It's been a while. Well that is an understatement. It has been ages.
I'm not sure what happened along the way and I just stopped writing and blogging. I forgot to share stories. I forgot to speak my self, which seems ironical, knowing what my blog title is.
In the next few weeks I'll be on a long journey once again.
8 years ago I was burnt out. I decided to get lost in transition, hoping to find myself. I seized the moment.
Fast forward to 2014, I have accomplished so much, gained so much wisdom, and have never been more sure of my strengths and my limitations.
The years in between, I have been so comfortable in my zone that I forgot to speak. I forgot that there is a bigger world out there, waiting to be explored.
I'll go West, East, North, South to redefine my direction, and come into full circle of what the world has to offer and what the human spirit is capable of.
I need to get uncomfortable once again, knowing very well that moments are there to seize, but at the same time, I'm guided that moments are also there waiting to seize me.
I've experienced life. This time, I'll let life experience me.