Saturday, May 20, 2006


My Work Life isn't as toxic as before. A show just folded up, I declined another producing stint and I decided to focus in just one show. That was actually a relief. I have more time now and I actually love it. I like it that I can spend more time with family and friends.

It's a very different lifestyle for me. I sleep early, I wake up early. I don't have to rush from another work to another work. I don't have to work 28 hours straight which I did before every Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Now I have time to go to the market and buy stuff for myself. I get to cook fresh food as oppose to grabbing a bite in fastfoods and stuffing myself with the junkfood upsized. I get to stroll around the park and quietly finish the long list of books that friends have lent me.

I get to sleep in my parent's place every weekends. I get to wash my own clothes. I get to be domesticated for a change.

I think that it's a sign that time is telling me to slow down, that I'm getting old and that there are other things worthy to spend my precious time with.

It's time to realize old dreams, to re-ignite the fire in the belly...I'm finally trying to finish a screenplay that I started ages ago. And what a way to boost my morale... I just received an email from my friend Hana, and she was excited to tell me that some friends from LFS won the highest award in the recently concluded Cannes Film Festival.

Bobby Peers and Jakob Ingimundarson were actually two batches lower. They’ve been a big help to me especially for my graduation film where they became part of my film’s Cinematography department. I really admire these guys because even from before you can already see their determination and their love for their work.

I’m so happy to be reading news about them and their triumphs. Bobby directed the Norwegian film Sniffer and Jakob was the Director of Photography. And their dedication landed them the Palme D’Or.

(SNIFFER: Written and Directed by BOBBY PEERS)

The movie according to the Cannes Website is about a society where everyone has the ability to fly, the citizens anchor themselves to the ground via "gravitation boots". Devoid of sunlight and the open sky, the members of society go about their routine without any hope of personal gratification. One day, however, a man decides he has had enough attempt to challenge the status quo. He quits his job, loosens his bindings, and literally takes off.

I haven’t seen the movie but the synopsis alone is just amazing. Metaphorical and very subversive… It’s about challenging what is perceived to be the norms and taking the extra mile to take off. Life is what we make out of it. Decisions are for us to make. Success is there for us to achieve.

(Bobby receiving the highest award)

To Bobby and Jakob, I’m very proud of you guys. Thanks for realizing our dreams.

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